So as the summer draws to a close, it’s time for me (Kitty) to plan the final year of my degree at Brighton University. Well, not so much plan but implement the crazy thoughts, research and doodles that have been occurring all summer, into some sort of order and research plan.
It’s very exciting and daunting that this is my final year. How have two years passed already? I can certainly look back now, amazed at the new skills I have acquired, the processes I have tried and adored and equally those that have become a resounding ‘Hell No!’ I would never have thought that I would be so addicted to wood-turning. I have always loved working with wood as I was brought up in a family where my parents were very DIY-orientated, renovating houses, building extensions and such, and as children, we were expected to help and learn. For that, I am very grateful. It exposed me at an early age to the joy of working with natural materials be they wood or fabric and the joy of creation with these. This is something that is missing today in this throwaway era; the creation of something out of nothing. We had no money, we recycled and restyled clothes, we used recycled and reclaimed materials. That even extended to car engines donated by the local fire brigade from their practices on cutting open vehicles exercises.
Do I have a concrete research plan for this year? No. Do I have ideas? Yes. Are they the right ideas? No idea! But next week when Uni starts again, I get to thrash the ideas about with my tutors and then hopefully there will be an evolving plan. Plans must evolve as the more you research, the more knowledge you gain, and the more you can funnel your ideas into a determined area. It’s exhilarating to be at the start of this, wondering if my rambling thoughts will be good enough, or too weird and dismissed.
I am very lucky that Brighton University embraces my kink-making, everything I do is around kink as that is where my life and work are. They have learnt a lot from me which I hope will benefit the next student who wants to work in a kink-focused way. The lecturers, even if they haven’t completely understood the ‘why’ within a kink, have always encouraged and embraced my passion and helped to harness it into positive outcomes. For this, I am very grateful as it has made me a better designer and maker.
And whilst the last 9 months of my Uni degree gets underway, Ravenwerks continues as a business both online and at local kink markets and events. Our life and Ravenwerks can be found on Fetlife, Instagram and Facebook, and coming very soon our own YouTube channel where you can come along with us on our crazy life and journey. Now that alone will be a steep learning curve, but we will never shy away from a challenge because life is short, and we need to live every day to the fullest.
So, watch this space for more ramblings, writings, and new products, and join us on this crazy journey.